DDS::TopicQos Struct Reference

#include <dds_dcps.h>

Collaboration diagram for DDS::TopicQos:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Qos of Topic.

Public Attributes

TopicDataQosPolicy topic_data
 Mechanism for attaching additional information to the created Topic such that when a remote application discovers their existence it can examine the information and use it in an application-defined way.
DurabilityQosPolicy durability
 Policy expressing if the data should 'outlive' their writing time.
DurabilityServiceQosPolicy durability_service
 Policy used to configure the HISTORY QoS and the RESOURCE_LIMITS QoS used by fictitious DataReader and DataWriter used by the 'persistent service'.
DeadlineQosPolicy deadline
 Policy for cases where Topic is expected to have each instance updated periodically.
LatencyBudgetQosPolicy latency_budget
 Policy providing means for the application to indicate to the middleware the 'urgency' of the data-communication.
LivelinessQosPolicy liveliness
 Policy used to ensure that particular entities on the network are still 'alive'.
ReliabilityQosPolicy reliability
 Policy indicating the level of reliability requested by a DataReader or offered by a DataWriter.
DestinationOrderQosPolicy destination_order
 Policy controling how each subscriber resolves the final value of a data instance that is written by multiple DataWriter objects (which may be associated with different Publisher objects) running on different nodes.
HistoryQosPolicy history
ResourceLimitsQosPolicy resource_limits
TransportPriorityQosPolicy transport_priority
LifespanQosPolicy lifespan
OwnershipQosPolicy ownership

Member Data Documentation

Mechanism for attaching additional information to the created Topic such that when a remote application discovers their existence it can examine the information and use it in an application-defined way.

Policy for cases where Topic is expected to have each instance updated periodically.

The setting of the DEADLINE policy must be set consistently with that of the TIME_BASED_FILTER: deadline period >= minimum_separation.

Policy providing means for the application to indicate to the middleware the 'urgency' of the data-communication.

Policy used to ensure that particular entities on the network are still 'alive'.

The liveliness can also affect the ownership of a particular instance, as determined by the OWNERSHIP QoS.

Policy indicating the level of reliability requested by a DataReader or offered by a DataWriter.

The setting of this policy has a dependency on the setting of the RESOURSE_LIMITS policy.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sat Oct 10 16:20:00 2009 for EPICS-DDS by  doxygen 1.5.6