Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
EPICS::AccAssemblyArrayArray of the accelerator assemblies
EPICS::AccAssemblyDataData type of the AccAssembly topic including the name of assembly (a composite accelerator component) and a sequence of the accelerator frames
EPICS::AccComponentArrayArray of the accelerator components
EPICS::AccComponentDataData type of the AccComponent topic containing the name and type
EPICS::AccFrameArrayArray of the accelerator frames
EPICS::AccFrameDataAccelerator Frame of the installed element
EPICS::AccStrengthArrayArray of the strength's structures
EPICS::AccStrengthDataData type of the AccStrength topic containing the component's name and type-specific primary attribute
EPICS::ArrayTypeArray Type prototyped after the PVDATA package
EPICS::ByteBufferA byte buffer designed after java.nio.ByteBuffer
DDS::ConditionRoot class for all the conditions that may be attached to a WaitSet
DDS::ContentFilteredTopicSpecialization of TopicDescription that allows for content-based subscription
DDS::DataReaderData reader
EPICS::DataReaderCACCA-based Data Reader
DDS::DataReaderListenerData reader's listener
DDS::DataReaderQosQoS of DataReader
DDS::DataWriterData writer
EPICS::DataWriterCACCA-based Data Writer
DDS::DataWriterListenerData writer's listener
DDS::DeadlineQosPolicyPolicy for cases where Topic is expected to have each instance updated periodically
DDS::DestinationOrderQosPolicyPolicy controling how each subscriber resolves the final value of a data instance that is written by multiple DataWriter objects (which may be associated with different Publisher objects) running on different nodes
DDS::DomainParticipantRepresents the participation of the application on a communication plane that isolates applications running on the same set of physical computers from each other
DDS::DomainParticipantFactoryFactory of domain participants
EPICS::DomainParticipantFactoryCACFactory of domain participants
DDS::DomainParticipantFactoryQosQoS of DomainParticipantFactory
DDS::DomainParticipantListenerDomainParticipant's listener
DDS::DomainParticipantQosQoS of DomainParticipant
EPICS::DoubleTypeDouble Type
DDS::DurabilityQosPolicyPolicy expressing if the data should 'outlive' their writing time
DDS::DurabilityServiceQosPolicyPolicy used to configure the HISTORY QoS and the RESOURCE_LIMITS QoS used by fictitious DataReader and DataWriter used by the 'persistent service'
DDS::Duration_tStructure of a duration interval
DDS::EntityAbstract base class for all the DCPS objects that support Qos policies, a listener and a status condition
EPICS::EntityCACBase class for all the DCPS objects that support Qos policies, a listener and a status condition
DDS::EntityFactoryQosPolicyPolicy controling the behavior of the created entity
EPICS::FieldTypeBasis class of different field types prototyped after the PVDATA package
EPICS::FieldTypeManagerManager (factory + finder) of the field types
EPICS::FloatTypeFloat Type
DDS::GuardConditionSpecific condition providing the means for the application to manually wakeup a WaitSet
CORBA::IDL_LO_var< T >Template-based implementation of the _var interface for local objects
CORBA::IDL_Seq_var< T >Template-based implementation of the _var interface for sequences
CORBA::IDL_UTSeq< T >Unbounded sequence of the T elements (4.5, page 36)
EPICS::IMachineInterface of the Machine server's backends
DDS::InconsistentTopicStatusStructure for holding data corresponding to the status INCONSISTENT_TOPIC
EPICS::ITwissCalculatorInterface of the Twiss server's backends
EPICS::IVirtualAcceleratorInterface of the VA server's backends
DDS::LatencyBudgetQosPolicyPolicy providing means for the application to indicate to the middleware the 'urgency' of the data-communication
DDS::ListenerBasis class of all DDS listeners
DDS::LivelinessChangedStatusStructure for holding data corresponding to the status LIVELINESS_CHANGED
DDS::LivelinessQosPolicyPolicy used to ensure that particular entities on the network are still 'alive'
CORBA::LocalObjectBasis class of the local objects implementing local interfaces (C++ Language Mapping, v
EPICS::LongTypeLong Type
EPICS::MachineCASPCAS-based Machine Server
DDS::MultiTopicSpecialization of TopicDescription that allows subscriptions to combine, filter and rearrange data coming from several topics
DDS::ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataBuiltin topic with participants' data
EPICS::PositionArrayAn array of the Position objects
EPICS::PositionDataContainer of 6D canonical coordinates (x, px/p0, y, py/p0, -c*dt, de/p0c) defined with respect to the reference particle
DDS::PresentationQosPolicyPolicy controling the extent to which changes to data-instances can be made dependent on each other and also the kind of dependencies that can be propagated and maintained by the Service
DDS::PublicationBuiltinTopicDataBuiltin topic with publications' data
DDS::PublisherClass responsible for the actual dissemination of publications
DDS::PublisherListenerPublisher's listener
EPICS::PVArrayArray of the PV fields prototyped after the PVDATA package
EPICS::PVDoubleDouble PV Field
EPICS::PVFieldBasis class of different pv fields prototyped after the PVDATA package
EPICS::PVFieldFactoryFactory of PV fields
EPICS::PVFloatFloat PV Field
EPICS::PVLongLong PV Field
EPICS::PVStringString PV field
EPICS::PVStructureStructured PV field
EPICS::PVStructure::PVStructureDataStructure's data including the reference counter
EPICS::PVStructureReaderCACPV Structure Reader
EPICS::PVStructureTypeSupportCACPVStructure Type Support
EPICS::PVStructureWriterCACPV Structure Writer
DDS::ReliabilityQosPolicyPolicy indicating the level of reliability requested by a DataReader or offered by a DataWriter
DDS::RequestedDeadlineMissedStatusStructure for holding data corresponding to the status REQUESTED_DEADLINE
DDS::SampleInfoInformation pertaining to the associated Data value
DDS::SampleLostStatusStructure for holding data corresponding to the status SAMPLE_LOST
DDS::SampleRejectedStatusStructure for holding data corresponding to the status SAMPLE_REJECTED
DDS::StatusConditionSpecific condition that is associated with each Entity
CORBA::String_varThe implementation of the _var interface for the string type (3.5, p 17)
CORBA::StringSeqSequence of strings
EPICS::StringTypeString type
EPICS::StructureTypeStructure Type
DDS::SubscriberEntity responsible for the actual reception of the data resulting from its subscriptions
DDS::SubscriberListenerSubscriber's listener
DDS::SubscriberQosSubscriber's qos
DDS::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataBuiltin topic with subscriptions' data
DDS::SubscriptionMatchedStatusStructure for holding data corresponding to the status SUBSCRIPTION_MATCHED
EPICS::TBTArrayArray of the TBT objects
EPICS::TBTDataData type of the TBT topic including the name of the composite accelerator component and a sequence of the turn-by-turn orbit positions
DDS::Time_tStructure of a time interval
DDS::TopicThe most basic description of the data to be published and subscribed
DDS::TopicBuiltinTopicDataBuiltin topic with topics' data
DDS::TopicDataQosPolicyMechanism for attaching additional information to the created Topic such that when a remote application discovers their existence it can examine the information and use it in an application-defined way
DDS::TopicDescriptionBasis class for Topic, ContentFilteredTopic, and MultiTopic
DDS::TopicListenerTopic's listener
EPICS::TopicManagerCACManager of a collection of associations between the DDS topic names and CA pv names
DDS::TopicQosQos of Topic
EPICS::TwissArrayAn array of the Twiss objects
EPICS::TwissCalculatorCASPCAS-based Twiss Server
EPICS::TwissDataData type of the Twiss topic containing the Twiss functions in the accelerator components
DDS::TypeSupportAbstract class that has to be specialized for each concrete type
EPICS::TypeSupportCACAbstract class that has to be specialized for each concrete type
EPICS::TypeSupportManagerCACManager of a collection of objects supporting the different data types
DDS::UserDataQosPolicyMechanism for attaching additional information such as security credentials
EPICS::VirtualAcceleratorCASPCAS-based Virtual Accelerator
EPICS::WaitSetCACCA-based WaitSet for the synchronous data access

Generated on Sat Oct 10 16:19:55 2009 for EPICS-DDS by  doxygen 1.5.6