DDS::DomainParticipant Class Reference

#include <dds_dcps.h>

Inheritance diagram for DDS::DomainParticipant:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for DDS::DomainParticipant:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Represents the participation of the application on a communication plane that isolates applications running on the same set of physical computers from each other.

A domain establishes a "virtual network" linking all applications that share the same domain id and isolating them from applications running on different domains. It provides administration services in the domain, offering operations that allow the application to 'ignore' locally any information about a given participant (ignore_participant), publication (ignore_publication), subscription(ignore_subscription), or topic (ignore_topic).

Public Member Functions

virtual Publisher_ptr create_publisher (const PublisherQos &qos, PublisherListener_ptr a_listener, StatusMask mask)=0
 Creates publisher.
virtual ReturnCode_t delete_publisher (Publisher_ptr p)=0
 Deletes publisher.
virtual Subscriber_ptr create_subscriber (const SubscriberQos &qos, SubscriberListener_ptr a_listener, StatusMask mask)=0
 Creates subscriber.
virtual ReturnCode_t delete_subscriber (Subscriber_ptr s)=0
 Deletes subscriber.
virtual Subscriber_ptr get_builtin_subscriber ()=0
 returns a subscriber of the builtin topic
virtual Topic_ptr create_topic (const char *topic_name, const char *type_name, const TopicQos &qos, TopicListener_ptr a_listener, StatusMask mask)=0
 Creates topic.
virtual ReturnCode_t delete_topic (Topic_ptr a_topic)=0
 Deletes topic.
virtual Topic_ptr find_topic (const char *topic_name, Duration_t &timeout)=0
 Returns topic specified by name.
virtual TopicDescription_ptr lookup_topicdescription (const char *name)=0
 Gives access to an existing locally-created TopicDescription.
virtual ContentFilteredTopic_ptr create_contentfilteredtopic (const char *name, Topic_ptr related_topic, const char *filter_expression, const StringSeq &expression_parameters)=0
 Creates a content filtered topic.
virtual ReturnCode_t delete_contentfilteredtopic (ContentFilteredTopic_ptr a_contentfilteredtopic)=0
 Deletes a content filtered topic.
virtual MultiTopic_ptr create_multitopic (const char *name, const char *type_name, const char *subscription_expression, const StringSeq &expression_parameters)=0
 Creates a multitopic.
virtual ReturnCode_t delete_multitopic (MultiTopic_ptr a_multitopic)=0
 Deletes a multitopic.
virtual ReturnCode_t delete_contained_entities ()=0
 Deletes all the entities that were created by means of the "create" operations: publishers, subscribers, topics, content filtered topics, and multitopics.
virtual ReturnCode_t set_qos (const DomainParticipantQos &qos)=0
 Sets qos.
virtual ReturnCode_t get_qos (DomainParticipantQos &qos)=0
 Returns qos.
virtual ReturnCode_t set_listener (DomainParticipantListener_ptr a_listener, StatusMask mask)=0
 Sets listener.
get_listener ()=0
 Returns listener.
virtual ReturnCode_t ignore_participant (InstanceHandle_t handle)=0
 Instructs the Service to locally ignore a remote domain participant.
virtual ReturnCode_t ignore_topic (InstanceHandle_t handle)=0
 Instructs the Service to locally ignore a topic.
virtual ReturnCode_t ignore_publication (InstanceHandle_t handle)=0
 Instructs the Service to locally ignore a remote publication.
virtual ReturnCode_t ignore_subscription (InstanceHandle_t handle)=0
 Instructs the Service to locally ignore a remote subscription.
virtual DomainId_t get_domain_id ()=0
 Returns a domain id.
virtual ReturnCode_t assert_liveliness ()=0
 Manually asserts the liveliness of the domain participant.
virtual ReturnCode_t set_default_publisher_qos (const PublisherQos &qos)=0
 Sets a default qos of publishers.
virtual ReturnCode_t get_default_publisher_qos (PublisherQos &qos)=0
 Returns a default qos of publishers.
virtual ReturnCode_t set_default_subscriber_qos (const SubscriberQos &qos)=0
 Sets a default qos of subscribers.
virtual ReturnCode_t get_default_subscriber_qos (SubscriberQos &qos)=0
 Returns a default qos of subscribers.
virtual ReturnCode_t set_default_topic_qos (const TopicQos &qos)=0
 Sets a default qos of topics.
virtual ReturnCode_t get_default_topic_qos (TopicQos &qos)=0
 Returns a default qos of topics.
virtual ReturnCode_t get_discovered_participants (InstanceHandleSeq &participant_handles)=0
 Retrieves the list of DomainParticipant that have been discovered in the domain and that the application has not indicated should be 'ignored'.
virtual ReturnCode_t get_discovered_participant_data (ParticipantBuiltinTopicData &participant_data, InstanceHandle_t participant_handle)=0
 Retrieves information on a domain participant that has been discovered on the network.
virtual ReturnCode_t get_discovered_topics (InstanceHandleSeq &topic_handles)=0
 Retrieves the list of Topics that have been discovered in the domain and that the application has not indicated should be 'ignored'.
virtual ReturnCode_t get_discovered_topic_data (TopicBuiltinTopicData &topic_data, InstanceHandle_t topic_handle)=0
 Retrieves information on a Topic that has been discovered on the network.
virtual Boolean contains_entity (InstanceHandle_t a_handle)=0
 Checks whether or not the given a_handle represents an Entity that was created from the DomainPartcipant.
virtual ReturnCode_t get_current_time (Time_t &current_time)=0
 Returns the current value of the time that the service uses to time-stamp data-writes and to set the reception-timestamp for the data-updates it receives.

Member Function Documentation

virtual ReturnCode_t DDS::DomainParticipant::assert_liveliness (  )  [pure virtual]

Manually asserts the liveliness of the domain participant.

This is used in combination with the LIVELINESS QoS policy to indicate to the Service that the entity remains active

virtual ReturnCode_t DDS::DomainParticipant::get_discovered_topic_data ( TopicBuiltinTopicData topic_data,
InstanceHandle_t  topic_handle 
) [pure virtual]

Retrieves information on a Topic that has been discovered on the network.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sat Oct 10 16:20:01 2009 for EPICS-DDS by  doxygen 1.5.6